Source code for econsa.quantile_measures

"""Capabilities for quantile-based sensitivity analysis.

This module contains functions to calculate the global sensitivity measures based on
quantiles of the output introduced by Kucherenko et al.(2019). Both the brute force
and double loop reordering MC estimators are included.

import chaospy as cp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import expon
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.stats import uniform

[docs]def mc_quantile_measures( estimator, func, n_params, loc, scale, dist_type, n_draws, sampling_scheme="sobol", seed=0, skip=0, ): r"""Compute the MC/QMC estimators of quantile-based global sensitivity measures. The algorithm is described in Section 4 of Kucherenko et al.(2019). Parameters ---------- estimator : string Specify the Monte Carlo estimator. One of ["brute force", "DLR"], where "DLR" denotes to the double loop reordering approach. func : callable Objective function to estimate the quantile-based measures. Must be broadcastable. n_params : int Number of parameters of objective function. loc : float or np.ndarray The location(`loc`) keyword passed to `scipy.stats.norm`_ function to shift the location of "standardized" distribution. Specifically, for normal distribution it specifies the mean array with the length of `n_params`. .. _scipy.stats.norm: _scipy.stats.norm.html scale : float or np.ndarray The `scale` keyword passed to `scipy.stats.norm`_ function to adjust the scale of "standardized" distribution. Specifically, for normal distribution it specifies the covariance matrix of shape (n_params, n_params). dist_type : str The distribution type of inputs. Options are "Normal", "Exponential" and "Uniform". n_draws : int Number of Monte Carlo draws. For double loop reordering estimator, S. Kucherenko and S. Song(2017). suggests that `n_draws` should always be equal to :math:`2^p` to preserve the uniformity properties , where :math:`p` is an integer. In this function :math:`p` should be integers between 6 and 15 if `estimator` is "DLR". sampling_scheme : str, optional One of ["random", "sobol"], default "sobol". seed : int, optional Random number generator seed. skip : int, optional Number of values to skip of Sobol sequence. Default is `0`. Returns ------- df_measures : pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing quantile-based sensitivity measures. """ # range of alpha dalp = (0.98 - 0.02) / 30 alpha_grid = np.arange(0.02, 0.98 + dalp, dalp) # len(alpha_grid) = 31 # get the two independent groups of sample points x, x_prime = _unconditional_samples( n_draws, n_params, dist_type, loc, scale, sampling_scheme, seed=0, skip=0, ) # get the conditional sample sets if estimator == "brute force": x_mix = _bf_conditional_samples(x, x_prime) elif estimator == "DLR": x_mix = _dlr_conditional_samples(x) else: raise ValueError("Argument 'estimator' is not in {'brute force', 'DLR'}.") # quantiles of output with unconditional input quantile_y_x = _unconditional_quantile_y(x, alpha_grid, func) # quantiles of output with conditional input quantile_y_x_mix = _conditional_quantile_y(x_mix, func, alpha_grid) # Get quantile based measures q_1, q_2 = _quantile_measures(quantile_y_x, quantile_y_x_mix) # Get normalized quantile based measures norm_q_1, norm_q_2 = _normalized_quantile_measures(q_1, q_2) # store results dict_measures = { "q_1": pd.DataFrame(q_1), "q_2": pd.DataFrame(q_2), "Q_1": pd.DataFrame(norm_q_1), "Q_2": pd.DataFrame(norm_q_2), } df_measures = pd.concat(dict_measures.values(), axis=0) df_measures.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [dict_measures.keys(), alpha_grid], names=["Measures", "alpha"], ) df_measures.columns = [f"x_{i + 1}" for i in range(n_params)] return df_measures
def _unconditional_samples( n_draws, n_params, dist_type, loc, scale, sampling_scheme, seed=0, skip=0, ): """Generate two independent groups of sample points. Parameters ---------- n_draws : int Number of Monte Carlo draws. n_params : int Number of parameters of objective function. dist_type : str The distribution type of input. Options are "Normal", "Exponential" and "Uniform". loc : float or np.ndarray The location(`loc`) keyword passed to `scipy.stats.norm`_ function to shift the location of "standardized" distribution. scale : float or np.ndarray The `scale` keyword passed to `scipy.stats.norm`_ function to adjust the scale of "standardized" distribution. sampling_scheme : str, optional One of ["sobol", "random"] seed : int, optional Random number generator seed. Default is 0. skip : int, optional Number of values to skip of Sobol sequence. Default is `0`. Returns ------- x, x_prime : np.ndarray Two arrays of shape (n_draws, n_params) with i.i.d draws from a joint distribution. """ # Generate uniform distributed samples np.random.seed(seed) if sampling_scheme == "sobol": u = cp.generate_samples( order=n_draws + skip, domain=n_params, rule="S", ).T elif sampling_scheme == "random": u = np.random.uniform(size=(n_draws, n_params)) else: raise ValueError("Argument 'sampling_scheme' is not in {'sobol', 'random'}.") skip = skip if sampling_scheme == "sobol" else 0 u = cp.generate_samples(order=n_draws, domain=2 * n_params, rule="S").T u_1 = u[skip:, :n_params] u_2 = u[skip:, n_params:] # Transform uniform draws into a joint PDF if dist_type == "Normal": z = norm.ppf(u_1) z_prime = norm.ppf(u_2) cholesky = np.linalg.cholesky(scale) x = loc + x_prime = loc + elif dist_type == "Exponential": x = expon.ppf(u_1, loc, scale) x_prime = expon.ppf(u_2, loc, scale) elif dist_type == "Uniform": x = uniform.ppf(u_1, loc, scale) x_prime = uniform.ppf(u_2, loc, scale) else: raise NotImplementedError return x, x_prime def _bf_conditional_samples(x, x_prime): """Generate mixed sample sets distributed accroding to a conditional PDF. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Array with shape (n_draws, n_params). x_prime : np.ndarray Array with shape (n_draws, n_params). Returns ------- x_mix : np.ndarray Mixed sample sets. Shape has the form (n_draws, n_params, n_draws, n_params). """ n_draws, n_params = x.shape x_mix = np.zeros((n_draws, n_params, n_draws, n_params)) for i in range(n_params): for j in range(n_draws): x_mix[j, i] = x x_mix[j, i, :, i] = x_prime[j, i] return x_mix def _dlr_conditional_samples(x): """Generate conditional sample sets. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Draws from a joint distribution. Shape has the form (n_draws, n_params). Returns ------- x_mix : np.ndarray Mixed sample sets. Shape has the form (m, n_params, n_draws, n_params), where m is the number of conditional bins. """ n_draws, n_params = x.shape # The dependence of m versus n_draws accroding to S. Kucherenko and S. Song(2017). if n_draws == 2 ** 6: m = 2 ** 3 elif n_draws in [2 ** 7, 2 ** 8, 2 ** 9]: m = 2 ** 4 elif n_draws == 2 ** 10: m = 2 ** 5 elif n_draws in [2 ** 11, 2 ** 12, 2 ** 13]: m = 2 ** 6 elif n_draws in [2 ** 14, 2 ** 15]: m = 2 ** 7 else: raise NotImplementedError conditional_bin = x[:m] x_mix = np.zeros((m, n_params, n_draws, n_params)) # subdivide unconditional samples into M eaually bins, within each bin x_i being fixed. for i in range(n_params): for j in range(m): x_mix[j, i] = x x_mix[j, i, :, i] = conditional_bin[j, i] return x_mix def _unconditional_quantile_y(x, alpha_grid, func): """Return quantiles of outputs with unconditional input. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Draws from a joint distribution. Shape has the form (n_draws, n_params). alpha_grid : np.ndarray A sequence of evenly spaced values on the interval (0, 1). func : callable Objective function to calculate the quantile-based measures. Must be broadcastable. Returns ------- quantile_y_x : np.ndarray Quantiles of outputs corresponding to alpha with unconditional inputs. Shape has the form (len(alpha_grid),). """ n_draws = x.shape[0] # Equation 21a y_x = func(x) y_x_asc = np.sort(y_x) q_index = (np.floor(alpha_grid * n_draws)).astype(int) quantile_y_x = y_x_asc[q_index] return quantile_y_x def _conditional_quantile_y(x_mix, func, alpha_grid): """Return quantiles of outputs with conditional input. Parameters ---------- x_mix : np.ndarray Mixed draws. Shape has the form (m, n_params, n_draws, n_params). func : callable Objective function to calculate the quantile-based measures. Must be broadcastable. alpha_grid : np.ndarray A sequence of evenly spaced values on the interval (0, 1). Returns ------- quantile_y_x_mix : np.ndarray Quantiles of output corresponding to alpha with conditional inputs. Shape has the form (m, n_params, len(alpha_grid), 1), where m is the number of conditional bins. """ m, n_params, n_draws = x_mix.shape[:3] y_x_mix = np.zeros((m, n_params, n_draws, 1)) y_x_mix_asc = np.zeros((m, n_params, n_draws, 1)) quantile_y_x_mix = np.zeros((m, n_params, len(alpha_grid), 1)) # Equation 21b/26. Get quantiles within each bin. for i in range(n_params): for j in range(m): # values of conditional outputs y_x_mix[j, i] = np.vstack(func(x_mix[j, i])) y_x_mix_asc[j, i] = np.sort(y_x_mix[j, i], axis=0) for pp, a in enumerate(alpha_grid): quantile_y_x_mix[j, i, pp] = y_x_mix_asc[j, i][ (np.floor(a * n_draws)).astype(int) ] # quantiles corresponding to alpha return quantile_y_x_mix def _quantile_measures(quantile_y_x, quantile_y_x_mix): """Estimate the values of quantile based measures.""" m, n_params, len_alp = quantile_y_x_mix.shape[:3] # initialization q_1 = np.zeros((len_alp, n_params)) q_2 = np.zeros((len_alp, n_params)) delt = np.zeros((m, n_params, len_alp, 1)) # Equation 24&25&27&28 for j in range(m): for i in range(n_params): for pp in range(len_alp): delt[j, i, pp] = quantile_y_x_mix[j, i, pp] - quantile_y_x[pp] q_1[pp, i] = np.mean(np.absolute(delt[:, i, pp])) q_2[pp, i] = np.mean(delt[:, i, pp] ** 2) return q_1, q_2 def _normalized_quantile_measures(q_1, q_2): """Estimate the values of normalized quantile based measures.""" len_alp, n_params = q_1.shape # initialization sum_q_1 = np.zeros(len_alp) sum_q_2 = np.zeros(len_alp) norm_q_1 = np.zeros((len_alp, n_params)) norm_q_2 = np.zeros((len_alp, n_params)) # Equation 13 & 14 for pp in range(len_alp): sum_q_1[pp] = np.sum(q_1[pp, :]) sum_q_2[pp] = np.sum(q_2[pp, :]) for i in range(n_params): norm_q_1[pp, i] = q_1[pp, i] / sum_q_1[pp] norm_q_2[pp, i] = q_2[pp, i] / sum_q_2[pp] return norm_q_1, norm_q_2